Exhibition “Before the Crash” at Exeter

The exhibition presents the use of new technologies such as 3D imaging, image analysis, rapid prototyping, computer simulation/modeling as the artistic concepts as well as the tools.  The art works span range of different forms such as drawing, prints, video, objects, installations, site specific art and new media.

The exhibited artists/artworks:

Ludwika Ogorzelec / „Breathing Cloud“, site specific sculpture at the Exeter Castle, UK, 2011

Mat Chivers / Mind over Matter / Narcissus and Janus – pencil stretched cotton voile, 2009, nylon sculpture, 2011

Pery Burge / Summer Shimmer, Summer / Bubblezig, Bubblezag / Apples and Bubbles – photos 2009-2011

Jo Golesworthy / Discrete Units – Homage to Gregor Mendel (1822 – 84) – sculptural objects

Paul Magee / I Still Have the Greatest Enthusiasm and Confidence in theMission- Crashed Version / Signal –

Sound Object, 2010, Sound Object, 2011

Paula Madden / „The Running Rabbit‟/„Corn Spirit as a Fox‟/ „Soft Sculptures‟ / „The Hare in the Moon pounds the Herb of Immortality‟ / „Sunflower Wings I & II‟ – (homage to Van Gogh) / „Let‟s Rock‟ – Black Ink Drawings on Paper, Woolen Object, Photographic Prints of of drawings and CT Scanns

Tim Oldham / „This is not a Pipe either after Magritte / Skeleton Bench / Onion containing test tube / Oak Bench – disintegrates T Table  – objects by Rapid Prototyping, 2011, photographic print

Deborah Robinson / Data unveiling piece – new media, 2 screen artwork

David Strang /

Christine Sawyer / Perwinkle Tapestry / Medicine Coat / Kill or Cure –  objects, textile, mixed materials

David Sawyer / From the Cube – installation wood and steel

John McDermott / Eden – painting

In the summer 2011 Simpleware organized several workshops on image analysis and rapidprototyping for selected artist. During the exhibition guided tours and seminars by artists and scientists were organized for students.